Struggling with the current market Situation?
What could kill your business overnight?
How is your leadership developing to adapt to the post COVID world?
My clients get so crystal clear as to have a superpower.
Get The 24-hour Blueprint to Leadership in VUCA.
Corporate Rebel, Burnout Survivor, Fire reignitor
Leadership & Executive Growth Coach
Success Mentor, Clarity Guide
Do you want more out of life?
More inspiration, more confidence, more connection, more impact, more clarity, more sex, more success, more money?
My clients want to get more and are willing to go the distance to get there.
I work with inspiring people who want to make an impact.
I’ve had significant success from the top salesperson in multinational corporations to leading teams to beat records and in my experience, its success and leadership can be lonely, isolating, and frustrating without clarity around purpose and values.
In my experience, success and leadership were always a goal to get to so that life would be good. In reality, there is a cost to pay on the other side.
Not many leadership or business books talk about the dark side of success.
In my experience the cost can be high.
Success can be very lonely and isolating.
In my 20+ year journey as a people focused leader and coach for top performing sales and marketing teams in both finance and Food & Beverage, I found that you can have everything and still feel empty.
I’ve been totally burned out, struggled with depression, anxiety, alcohol, drugs to numb the pain of disconnection, and dissatisfaction.
Until one day, I woke up and it all changed, stripping everything away.
The journey to happiness was an intense search for more meaning and connection out of life and how to create that on a daily basis.
I Ensure These Outcomes: